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Selectmen Minutes 05152018
      Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
 Tuesday May 15, 2018

Members Present: Jeff Jordan, Tom Jameson, Ed Millette, Jodi Pinard Town Administrator and Kristy Barnouski Administrative Assistant

Attendees:  Brian Searless, Donna Chagnon, Ben Brown and other members of the public.

Emergency Management Grant-Public Hearing
The public hearing was opened for discussion.  No attendees had any questions or comments.
The public hearing was closed for discussion.  

The Chichester Board of Selectmen, accept the terms of the Emergency Management Performance Grant as presented in the amount of $28,993.00 for the purchase of an emergency management trailer and associated traffic management materials, such as signage, lights, and barricades.  Furthermore, the Board acknowledges that the total cost of this project will be $57,986.00, in which the Town will be responsible for a 50% match ($28,993.00).  Motion passes.

Chichester School Board-Town Report
Mr. Brown came before the Board as the Chair of the School Board to discuss the errors in the Town report on the school portion.   He acknowledged that they had not taken dates into consideration before this year but wanted to nail down a date that the information had to be in so they could schedule things earlier.  

Both the Selectmen and Mr. Brown agreed the office would notify both the SAU office, Chichester Central School and the School Board of the dates when information is due to the selectmen’s office. The office would then send out a draft of each section to the responsible parties and have them sign that the information is correct and ready to go to the printers. Also communication throughout the process would improve going forward.

There was also discussion on using only Word and Excel formats and getting only final versions so no drafts will be replaced.  Mr. Brown stated that he will plan on holding the budget hearing before the end of January so the budget can be provided by January 31st and all other information will be provided by January 15th.  

Mrs. Pinard stated that this process would make compiling all of the information much easier. She also apologized for the errors.

Parks and Rec Scheduling-
Mrs. Pinard stated that there are now three calendars on the website for the Park.   They are as listed; Parks and recs meetings, pavilion and events, upper field and lower field.  

Planning on pavement rehabilitation project on Rt. 28.  Epsom circle up through Barnstead.  Tentative date will be August 7, 2018.

K&M Cheney poured concrete and waiting for Gazeebo to be built.  Dan Schroth will be repairing the wall and extending it.  

Resident Complaint-
Chief Clarke met with Brandon Guida who complained of his neighbors.  Mr. Guida said there are 4 unregistered vehicles encroaching on his property. The Board of Selectmen instructed Mrs. Pinard to write a letter to the property owner.  

Safety Complex Roof-
Mr. Jameson made a motion to award the bid for the safety complex for $30,000.00 to Roof Doctors out of the Facilities fund. Mr. Jordon seconds.  Motion passes.

71 Kelly Corners Road
Mrs. Barnouski stated that this property consists of two lots.  The house was built on the lot line and now the current owners would like to do lot line adjustment to be within the   .  They now have two apartments along with the daycare. Bart suggested said not to hold up the lot line adjustment but to forward over to the BOS.  
Reach out to property owner.

A letter will be sent out to the property owners to attend the June 19th Board of Selectmen meeting for discussion.

Garvin Hill Road-
Mrs. Pinard stated that she received legal opinion that there was no issue with accepting private funds as a donation to work on a public road.  The Humphrey’s will be asked to the June 19th meeting to discuss this further.  

Chichester condominiums going to foreclosure, an auction is scheduled for June.    

Chichester Commons- Mrs. Pinard stated that the funding for CDBG funds were not granted for the project.  He is seeking alternate funding.  

Mrs. Pinard is waiting to hear from progressive on the payout for the stone wall that was damaged.  There are numerous claimants awaiting payouts and is taking some time as there is insurance limit concerns.  

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Millette and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 7:22pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not approved until signed
Kristy Barnouski, Administrative Assistant